Basic Profile 
Name:Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill
Date of Birth:May 05, 1983
Place of Birth:Jersey, Channel Islands
Current Residence:London, UK
Hair color:Brown
Eye color:Blue
Hobbies:Horse-riding, scuba-diving.

Henry Cavill was born on Jersey on May 5, 1983. He is the fourth of five boys. His father Colin was a stockbroker and his mother Marianne was a house mum for years taking care of five boys. Henry's father isn't a native Channel Islander but his mother is. “My upbringing was typically English: a traditional, big, male family. I went to boarding school,” Henry recalls. “All my brothers enjoyed acting in school, but we were never aimed in any direction. Our parents gave us a lot of freedom to do what we wanted. They helped us, they guided us, and they answered questions when we asked them, but they left a lot of our decisions up to us.”

Henry's birthplace, the island of Jersey in the British Channel Islands off the French coast of Normandy is a very small island, nine miles by five. It's population is somewhere around 90.000. However Jersey is really interesting and beautiful and has an enormous history for its size. “Jersey is a peaceful place but it has got a decent nightlife. Everything gets better in the summer because of tourists.”

In Jersey he was educated at St. Michael's Preparatory School in Saint Saviour, where he began acting in school plays. I will always have a base there, because Jersey is a wonderful place. I think I'll probably, I might raise my kids there, one day, we'll see. When Henry was 13 he was very eager to get off the island and go to boarding school. “Jersey is a beautiful place, absolutely stunning, and a wonderful place to visit. But growing up there, it's very small. You see the same people an awful lot. By the time I was thirteen, I was quite ready to get off the island. That's why I was very keen to go to boarding school. But as soon as I went to boarding school, I was horrendously homesick and was keen to get away…” he recalls.

So in 1996 Henry went at Stowe, Buckinghamshire, the archetypal English Boarding school with a Latin motto taken straight from the Middle Ages: Persto et Praesto (“I stand firm and I stand first”). The boarding school shaped much of his personality and steeled him for “the rejection and disappointment” of the acting world.“Boarding school was as rough as it can be but it was a wonderful, fantastic education, which really prepped me for my acting career. You've got to have a lot of self-discipline and not get down on yourself. School gave me that preparation of being away from home and having no immediate support base.”

As the second youngest of five brothers, Henry is naturally drawn to hand-to-hand combat and a love of sports. In boarding school he played rugby, field hockey, and cricket. “I'm from a family of six men, so I'm bound to be physical,” Henry says. His best childhood memory is to play fights with the whole family.

Was it difficult being the sensitive type in the company of four rambunctious brothers? “I had a good balance,” Henry says. “I wasn't leaping around in leotards or being moody and poetic. I was playing rugby and hockey, and I had signed up for school military.”

Name:Charles Abraham Hugo Montgomery
Date of Birth:February 17, 1985
Place of Birth:London, England
Current Residence:Jakarta, London and Dublin.
Marital Status:Married
Profession:CEO of Montgomery Group and an Engineer
Highest Education:Masters in Business Law (Edinburgh Uiiversity)
Spoken Languages:English, Irish, Bahasa Indonesia and Latin
Faceclaim:Henry Cavill

Charles was born as the oldest of the three siblings in the Montgomery family. He has a younger brother and a sister who has helped him into shaping the family's business into a huge success. Charles was born on February 17, 1985. Being an Aquarius himself, he tends to be very innovative in his work. He enjoys sharing his thoughts and tricks in the business world and has successfully leads his family's business in the aviation line in the century.

His father, Joseph is a retired pilot and has inherited his father's family business which now is lead by Charles. Charles's grandfather, David is a successful engineer who was the first one who started up the family's business, The Montgomery Group which specializes in aviation spare parts which has expanded to all around Europe and now covering the countries in Southeast Asia.

Charles has inherited the family's business and solemnly will continue his very best in managing the family's affair. The youngest of the family, Cecilia has been helping him in regards of the legal welfare of the company for the past few years while his little brother, Johnathan has been helping him in managing the Public Relations affair of the business and also known as a professional footballer for Liverpool.

He definitely holds a huge responsibility in the family's affair but that doesn't stop him in having fun and enjoying his good life. Charles always loved playing the piano and the violin, he took up lessons during his free times. He enjoys a good British TV show and he himself speaks a very fluent Northern British Accent. He occasionally smokes and definitely enjoyed a good glass of his sour whisky. He has a deep love and affection to children and animals. He adopted a corgi upon his firstborn's arrival in 2018. He married to the love of his life, Celine in Birmingham and now blessed with a son.